Lake Laura, Alexandria, MN (August 23rd, 2021) – The latest live Wake Surf Competition of the 2021 season has come and gone. Faction Marine was the host of SurfMN, King of the Lakes Classic, on a private lake, Lake Laura just outside of Alexandria, MN. This was the perfect setup to have a wakesurf competition. The lake conditions were as good as it gets with glassy water all day. The weather conditions had scattered rainstorms, but mostly sunny with temps reaching no higher than 85 F°.
In the Pro Men’s Surf division Connor Burns was able to take home the top podium and he also had some familiar faces standing up there with him. In heat one, Burns was able to land all his tricks smoothly on his first pass. Coming back for his 2nd pass there was an insane number of tricks that he had landed but still had about 10-15 seconds of course time left. Burns proceeded to shrug his shoulders as if he were done before landing two more tricks. After he landed a switch 3shuv the crowd went nuts. Burns then shrugged his shoulders again as if he were done but then went right into a Blind Sangria and stuck the landing. Once, again the crowd went up in a thunderous roar! Burns put a stamp on day 1. Burns would keep his momentum going into the finals to edged out teammates Jake Breedlove and Tyler Stewart.
In Pro Women’s Surf Ashley Kidd was able to pull out 1st place and put on one of her best runs this year. Riding off her momentum from the previous week where she also placed 1st. In day one of Pro Female surf Kidd boasted a 96.6 score, 12 points more than 2nd place rider. On the final day Ashley Kidd was able to remain in the top position by a mere 4.8 points.
The Pro Men’s Skim division seen some very intense runs by Centurion riders, Tyler Stewart and Sean Silveira. Both Stewart and Silveira won their respective heats and moved on to the finals for Sunday. With Stewart and Silveira winning their heats they were positioned to be the last riders of the day. The stage was set for these two riders to battle it out. Stewart would have the last run by having the better score in day one. Stewart was getting into the zone as Silveira was tearing up the course. Silveira was able to set the bar relatively high by putting a stamp on all his tricks. Stewart was ready for his run and more than willing to put it on all on the table for the final run of the day. Stewart was able to nail all his tricks and combo them in an insane run.
The judges had their work cut out for them as both Silveira and Stewart dropped insane runs, both arguably could have taken 1st place. The crowd was patiently awaiting the results for Pro Men’s Skim. Once they were tallied up, it was announced that Sean Silveira narrowly squeaked out the victory by 0.8 points. Two outstanding runs turned in by Centurion riders, Sean Silveira and Tyler Stewart.
As we approach World Wake Surfing Championship, Centurion Boats Riders are coming with full intent to take podium and the top spot in all categories of Pro Women’s Surf, Pro Women’s Skim, Pro Male Surf, and Pro Male Skim.
SurfMN King of the Lakes Classic Winners:
Pro Female Surf – Ashley Kidd
Pro Male Surf – Connor Burns
Pro Female Skim – Bailey Dunn
Pro Male Skim – Sean Silveira
Outlaw Male Surf – Tripp Allen
Outlaw Female Combined – Ava Stewart
Outlaw Male Skim – Reed Cole-Tucker
Amateur Male Skim – Afton Bank
Amateur Male Surf – Tommy Darnell
Amateur Female Surf – Jessica Belcher
Amateur Female Skim – Emma Galusha
Masters Male Combined – Eric Grindland
Masters Female Combined – Lisa Acierno
Juniors – Jett Lambert